Custom Spray Tanning in Las Vegas

What is a Custom Spray Tanning in Las Vegas?
A Custom Spray Tanning in Las Vegas is a 1-on-1, personalized, spray tanning session with a professional sunless technician. The spray tech, using a high-pressure spray gun, will apply sunless solution to the areas you desire during your scheduled session. Sessions often include full-body application, legs only, or facial sprays.
By allowing a professional to apply the spray solution you can ensure a flawless even application, especially on hard to reach areas such as the back. Sunless sessions usually last around 10 minutes (this includes drying time) and results can be expected to last 5-7 days.
The Ultimate Airbrush Tanning Checklist
Exfoliate the day of your airbrush tan.
Avoid using soaps high in pH as they cause the dreaded orange effect.
Any waxing should be done a minimum of 2 day prior to your airbrush appointment.
Do not wear deodorant, perfumes, body lotions or moisturizers to your appointment as they have adverse effects to the tanning solution.
Bring loose dark color clothes for after your airbrush appointment.
8 Hours After
Do not shower, bath, swim, use a sauna or hot tub for at least 8 hours after your airbrushing.
Avoid activities that will cause you to sweat during the 8 hours after your airbrushing.
After Care
Use soaps and moisturizers low in pH to maintain your airbrush tan over the next 7 -10 days.